Hecklau, E. F., S. A. Mori, and J. L. Brown (Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-5126; smori@nybg.org). Specific epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana. Brittonia 57: 68–87. 2005.—The epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana are classified into derivation categories. Specific epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana refer mostly to shapes (274 species), persons (252), places (212), appearance (146), and size (140). These categories account for 55% of names given to the plants of this flora. The most prolific publishers of names for the flora of central French Guiana are Aublet and Linnaeus, who were respectively the authors of 177 and 110 of the names of species (15% of the total) found in the flora of central French Guiana. Although many of the species names, such as those relating to place and person, are easy to categorize, many others are open to different interpretations. Specific epithets with different orthographies derived from Guiana or Guyana are discussed. In addition, problems in the use of diacritical marks and inconsistencies with spacing between the abbreviations of given names and surnames of authors of plant names are noted.